After years of attending YASC and other conferences throughout the years, I’d like to share my “Top 5 Ways to Get The Most Out of YASC.” The following are some insights into getting the most out of your financial and time investment at this year’s Yardi Advanced Solutions Conferences (YASC) in Washington, DC May 19-21, 2015.

1. Give your team sufficient notice that you are attending YASC
Too often we catch fellow colleagues’ off guard, by unintentionally keeping them in the dark about our travel plans. As a Yardi-user and representative of your company, such a short notice of your attendance at YASC can result in a ‘missed opportunity’ for developing deeper organizational knowledge and insights. When given sufficient notice, there is a greater likelihood that your colleagues will also be able to benefit from your trip, by sharing questions that can be made on their behalf.

2. Make a list of what you want to accomplish before, during, and after the YASC 2015 conference
Like any sort of goal setting and action plan – if it’s not written down, it’s more easily forgotten. Writing down your objectives grouped by key themes is an effective approach. Be sure to print and bring at least two copies, leaving a copy in your room and having a copy with you during the conference.

The following framework can assist in setting your goals:

  • Knowledge: Yardi training to attend, questions to pose and opinions to ask
  • Meetings: Key meetings to attend (booked ahead of time or impromptu)
  • Networking: People to see and relationships to strengthen
  • Innovation: Vendors, ideas, and new modules to explore
  • Support: Relationships and resources that can be called upon in the future

3. Pack appropriately for each stage of the conference (travel, sessions, networking, evening and leisure)
You can choose to go light and just travel with a carry on; or pack a little more to ensure functionality and comfort during the conference.

Top 5 items to pack for YASC include:

  1. At least two pairs of shoes, which you can alternate each day
  2. Business cards to exchange with vendors and people you meet while networking
  3. Business casual for the seminars and a change of attire for the evening events
  4. Phone, tablet and/or laptop and associated charging cables
  5. Fitness clothes if you are so inclined. Going for a run, a swim or to the gym is a great way to re-energize and prepare yourself for the day’s events

4. Become an active participant
Capitalize on the valuable YASC sessions. Keep an active mindset, be in the moment and share your experiences and expertise. Take the opportunity to collaborate and learn from your peers and other Yardi users. Actively listen for people’s needs and success stories to find insights that you can take back and share with your team. After actively listening to your colleagues, try to re-frame what you have heard and validate your understanding. Such an approach not only shows that you are keenly listening to them, but will also help shape a meaningful dialogue.

5. Take time to record, summarize and reflect
When attending YASC there is often a whirlwind of engaging activities and it’s quite easy to get caught up in the moment. In addition to your list of goals, bring a journal with you to take notes. At the end of each of the 3-days, before the elaborate dinner/evening events, pause and take the time to record and reflect on what you learned and who you met. Following such an approach will not only help to move your ideas from your short-term, to long-term memory; but will help you to align them with your goals and objectives. At very minimum, it will form the basis for your post conference action-plan including follow-ups, relationship nurturing and disseminating information and ideas back to your colleagues at the office.

So, with these top YASC tips in mind, my team and I look forward to seeing you at our booth in the Yardi vendor section at this year’s YASC Conference in Washington. If you would like to reserve a time to meet one-on-one, or have any Yardi-specific questions, please give me a call or send an email.


P.S. For those who drop by our booth, we’ll be holding multiple DAILY DRAWS including “office survival” gift bags and a grand price of an iPad Mini.

Don Robinson, President
Lynx Systems Inc.
1-866-517-1088 x 263