Real estate expert Peter Linneman has some predictions for commercial real estate in 25 years, and some of them may surprise you. The full list, based on an interview with Linneman conducted by Robin Micheli, can be found on CNBC, but one prediction that stands out is that shopping malls will be extinct, replaced by online stores and transactions. But that doesn’t mean all malls would be torn down: a growing trend back to more compact communities could make malls ideal to repurpose for centralized services like doctors and daycares.

Other predictions Linneman made include: a growth towards urbanization, suburbs won’t actually die out contrary to some reports, and work spaces will feature more open spaces and amenities, such as massages and on-site dry cleaning, as a result of technology and globalization requiring companies to staffed 24/7.

The article, with the full list of predictions, can found at: