This month’s article wraps up our three-part summer series on KPIs. Presuming that you are well underway in your planning and implementation of new KPIs, you should also consider what you will do with the results. If your results are positive then keep on moving ahead.  If results are missed, you’ll need to figure out why. Then, if needed, you will need to make changes in your people, processes and technology in an effort to “move the needle” and improve the operational performance related to the KPI or multiple KPIs in question.

Helping employees adapt to change
Change is a constant way of life; however, in a business environment some employees can be resistant to business changes.  Such resistances can significantly slow the desired changes and impede the results that an organization seeks to achieve.  In some instances, resistance to change and low user adoption of new processes/KPIs/IT systems have been identified as the number one cause of project failure.

So what is meant by user adoption?  User adoption refers to the ‘business users’, their assumption of responsibility, and their willingness to move through the transition from old to new.  From a KPI perspective, user adoption requires a personal level of trust and support of the new KPI (Measure) and the business processes surrounding it. (Common understanding and Action plans).

Improving user adoption and managing change (new KPIs)
The concept of ‘change’ and Change Management within a business setting is looking at the people side of change. It includes the individuals and workforce who are expected to adjust the way they perform, the decisions that they make, the productivity they generate and their contribution to the company and its goals.

A great concept that a member of my team came across a few years ago is to view the user adoption of change as requiring three key inputs: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice, or what has also been referred to as reaching the user’s head, heart and hands.  Our lead consultants and project managers often include a change management plan to help users through their journey and transition from old-to-new as part of complex system implementations, customizations and process optimization efforts.

User adoption is greatly improved by having a formal and well documented change management plan (communications and training) that looks to anticipate and address the users’:

  • Knowledge of what the change is, including the difference between the old and the new.
  • Their Attitude towards the change, sometimes boiling down to either: WIIFM – “what’s in it for me”, or addressing any issues of ‘trust’ related to the questionable success of past changes.
  • And their ability to Practice, test, trial, live through the transition and embrace their post change world.  From a Property Management Systems perspective, this often involves hands-on training and mentorship for the adoption and execution of new tasks.  From a KPI perspective, the concept of Practice can be seen as the user’s ability to consistently follow the new business processes, procedures and corporate direction stipulated by the new KPI.

In summary, the success of your implementation (New KPIs or other) will be greatly improved if you have a well constructed transition plan (great KPIs with M-C-A).  Your formal change management plan should include the messaging and training that supports the users improved knowledge, attitude and practice during their transition from old to new.

Want to learn more about KPIs, Change Management, or our team of experts? I can be contacted by email or by phone 1.866.517.1088 x263.

Best Regards,

Don Robinson, President
Lynx Systems Inc.
1-866-517-1088 x 263