As a business owner have you ever been faced with the conundrum of whether to upgrade or stay on your current software system?

You know there are significant financial benefits and you know upgrading is the right thing to do to maintain competitive advantage. So what’s the gnawing feeling in your gut paralyzing you from moving forward?  

It’s probably the chorus of groans and “there’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing,” and “it ain’t broke so why fix it?”  

Any of this sound familiar? 

If your team isn’t on board with changes, it can lead to failed implementations – and significant business losses. Knowing this can lead to paralyzing fear that can keep organizations from making any major changes-ever. 

But failure to adapt new software is also a risk. It means you miss out on new innovations that can be the difference between your business succeeding, and your business eventually failing. 

That’s where change management comes in.

Change management refers to the structured approach organizations take to prepare, support, and guide individuals and teams through changes in processes, systems, or technologies. 

It helps you create a good plan for implementing your new software. One that keeps track of everything that needs to be done, has systems in place to catch problems, and people on board who keep molehills from becoming mountains. 

To create a solid change management plan, project managers need to follow these best practices:

    • Clearly define the objectives and benefits. Articulate why implementing the new system is necessary and how it will improve operations. This creates a sense of purpose and motivates employees to embrace the change.
    • Involve key stakeholders in the decision-making process. Input from property owners, maintenance staff, and tenants is required to understand their needs and concerns. Involving stakeholders early on builds trust and helps mitigate resistance to change.
    • Maintain good communication. Communicate the reasons for the change, the benefits it offers, and the timeline for implementation. Regular updates and open lines of communication help manage expectations and keep stakeholders informed throughout the process.
    • Implement strong training and support. Employees need to be trained on how to use the new software effectively. Providing comprehensive training programs and ongoing support ensures that employees feel confident and capable of utilizing the new system. This reduces frustration and resistance to change.
    • Address resistance to change proactively. Some employees may be apprehensive about learning new technology or fear that the software will replace their roles. Address these concerns by highlighting the positive impact the software will have on their work, emphasizing the new opportunities it will create, and providing reassurance that their roles are still valuable.
    • Monitor and evaluate progress. Continuously monitor the implementation progress and gather feedback from employees and stakeholders. This allows them to address any issues or gaps in the process promptly. Regular evaluation ensures that the software is meeting the intended objectives and enables necessary adjustments to be made if required.
    • Be proactive. As technology evolves, stay up-to-date with new software updates and features. Regular training sessions and communication channels should be established to keep employees engaged and informed about changes or enhancements to the software.
    • Ask for help. You’ll need help from professionals who will implement best practices, and who have the technical expertise to create the best plan for your business. You can hire someone directly, or you can hire an external team. The advantage of outside help is that you can access a range of highly qualified experts-without the high costs of hiring each team member directly. 

Effective change management makes sure the transition to new systems, like Yardi’s new Voyager 8, goes smoothly. It also ensures your new system is optimized for your unique needs. This allows you to stay competitive, adapt to new opportunities, and thrive in today’s ever-changing business landscape. 

Making sure you have the right people in place is especially vital for success. Without experts on your team, successfully navigating changes becomes exponentially more difficult. 

Is your Yardi expert also an expert in change management? It’s worth finding out.