So after reading Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, you did your due diligence, and found the best consultants in the industry. They’re super knowledgeable, they’re great problem solvers, and they get things done. But building a solid business partnership with your consultant is an ongoing process. 

In order for a business partnership to be healthy long term, you need a solid foundation.

To keep the business partnership with you and your consultant healthy, both parties need to follow these Top 5 pillars: 


  1. Clear Avenues of Communication. Communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership. It’s essential to establish open and transparent lines of communication from the outset, and to maintain regular contact to ensure that both parties are aligned on goals, expectations, and challenges. Scheduling regular meetings to ensure that both parties are on the same page can be instrumental for ensuring success. 
  2. Effective conflict management. Any relationship, whether business or personal, is going to experience conflict at some point in time. Ideally, conflicts will be minor and easily resolved , but some involve more work. An effective partnership requires that both parties be able to identify the source of the conflict, potential solutions, and then decide on the most mutually beneficial course of action.   
  3. Trust and Transparency. It’s vital for both parties to be transparent and honest, and to follow through on commitments. That reliability and integrity builds trust, and lays the groundwork for enduring consulting relationships. . 
  4. Collaboration and Problem-Solving. Businesses often face challenges, and consultants can be valuable in overcoming them. Collaborating to solve problems demonstrates a consultant’s commitment to work together with you through thick and thin.
  5. Regular Evaluation and Adaptation. As business environments evolve, it’s crucial to regularly evaluate market and industry changes to be prepared to adapt. Regular evaluation allows consultants to stay on the same page as their clients, and to support them through periods of change. 

Maintaining successful business partnerships with your consultants requires ongoing effort, dedication, and a willingness to adapt – from them and from you. But with the right consultant, the partnership you build can make your business thrive. 

Reach out for a free consultation to see if Lynx is the right fit for you.